1. The name of the Society shall be “BELFAST GEOLOGISTS’ SOCIETY.”
2. The object of the Society shall be to foster interest in the practical study and enjoyment of Geology. (Note. Speakers and Field Leaders will be encouraged, so far as possible, to avoid over-use of technical language so that the Society can attract a range of interested persons).
3. The management of the affairs of the Society shall be in the hands of a Committee of fourteen members consisting of Officers and Ordinary Members. Any four Members of Committee together with the President or a Vice-President nominated by the President shall form a quorum.
4. The Officers shall consist of President, up to four Vice-Presidents, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Meetings Secretary, Honorary Excursions Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and Honorary Archivist.
5. The Committee shall meet at such time and place as it shall find convenient. It shall be able to call a Special General Meeting at any time: Members to receive thirty-one days notice of such meeting.
6. The Committee shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting.
7. The Annual General Meeting shall be called by the Committee in the month of April: Members to receive fourteen days prior notice of such meeting. The Committee then elected shall serve for the following year commencing on the first day of October.
8. The Committee shall have power to co-opt Members who may complete the year filling any vacancy or position which might arise in the Committee. If a person elected President is not on the Committee that person is automatically co-opted as a non-voting member until formally taking office.
9. All Committee Members shall be eligible for re-election at the Annual General Meeting. Nominees must agree to stand and have the support of two members of the Society. Nominations will normally close at the start of the Annual General Meeting but exceptionally, if the full quota has not been reached, may be called for during the meeting.
10. Persons the Society wishes to honour may be proposed for election as Honorary Members, to be approved by the Society Membership at the Annual General Meeting. Honorary Members shall be eligible for election to the Committee.
(Note. the number of Honorary Members shall be around 5 at any time).
11. Applicants for Membership shall be nominated by two Members of the Society and approved by the Society Membership at any summoned meeting of the Society. New members shall be furnished with a copy of the Rules of the Society. Renewal of any existing membership shall be at the discretion of the Committee. The Chair reserves the right to request persons to withdraw from a meeting of the Society.
(Note. A summoned meeting may be an indoor or an outdoor event).
12. The membership year shall begin on 1st October when the annual fee becomes due. Membership may be withdrawn from any member who has not paid the Annual Subscription by March 31st of the current year.
13: There shall be no Entrance Fee. The Annual Subscription shall be as determined at the Annual General Meeting and shall be payable on election to Membership of the Society. There shall be a Family/Household Membership Subscription equal to five pounds more than the normal, full Annual Subscription. Members elected after 31st March may pay half the full Annual or Family Subscription for that year, as appropriate. Members under 18 shall not pay an Annual Subscription. Members over 18 and in full time education shall pay half the full Annual Subscription. (Note. A register of attendance will be kept. Visitors are welcome, especially from affiliated societies. Visitors will be given the opportunity of making a voluntary donation at some meetings).
14. The Library is available to all Members and books may borrowed by arrangement with the Honorary Archivist. Books shall be signed out and returned to the Honorary Archivist on request and at the end of each year (September 30th). Members shall be responsible for books borrowed.
15. Any proposed alteration of the Rules must be the subject of a Notice of Motion, which shall be forwarded in writing to the Honorary Secretary at least four weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting.
16. The Committee shall have power to co-opt, in a non-voting capacity, any person with specialist knowledge to advise the Committee.
17. To validate the insurance Members must sign the Society Attendance Book or its equivalent.
16 Apr 2018